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Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games

Uncharted Worlds Character Generator

Generate starting characters for Uncharted Worlds.

Lock Seed


Physique: 0

Mettle: 1

Expertise: 2

Influence: -1

Interface: 1






Meaty, Rugged, and Lazy



A deal ends in betrayal.


Workspace: Manufactory

Engineering bays. Builds, upgrades and repairs. Workbenches, tool racks, winches, pulleys, lifts.

Class 0 Attire (Cultural)

Incorporates popular styles/elements of a culture.

Class 1 Flyer (Shuttle)

A tiny, maneuverable flying vehicle. Space for a pilot and at most one passenger.

  • Luxury: Impressive, high quality and very comfortable. Various quality-of-life features.

Class 1 Crew (Techs)

Educated and well trained. Equipped with basic tools. Able to provide technical or manual assistance to a variety of scientific or engineering projects.

  • Informants: Able to collect information and report back, or pass on information.

Class 2 Attire (Rugged)

Crude, patched, aged and worn.

  • Sensor: Choose a type of information. The wrist screen scans for that subject.
  • Jump Jets: Can give small burst jumps, slow descent, and controlled flight in zero-g.

Class 3 Flyer (Shuttle)

A tiny, maneuverable flying vehicle. Space for a pilot and at most one passenger.

  • Armored: +2 Armor.
  • Agile: Quick, maneuverable, able to perform stunts.
  • Sealed: Fully enclosed frame with oxygen source. Can function in space, under water, etc.