Tools for procedural generation of content for tabletop role-playing games
This generator lets you create fantasy cultures.
In this culture, power is determined by wealth. Warriors are most highly regarded. Women are dominant. Social mobility is only possible for those born into a certain social class.
This religion has a single all-powerful god. Their community meets annually for reflection at sunrise. Pilgrims meet in meeting halls to engage in ritual dance and hear from an oracle.
Drinking alcohol alone is highly offensive.
Failing to offer a gift to a visitor is a violation of cultural norms.
Discussing sex in public is considered very bad luck.
Sitting in a higher chair than someone of higher status is highly offensive.
Bowing is customary. The person of lower status bows lower, though both bow.
Food is often preserved or fermented to allow for long-term storage and to add unique flavors and textures.
Floral patterns are popular among the young generation.
Cithoec music has a single rhythm with a very fast beat. It is very quiet, with simple harmony. It has a simple melody with a low pitch in a major key. Usually, it has a bright timbre.